13 September 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Front/Back Squat Cycle (3 x 7/13 @60%)

Record weight used

(% Based off Front Squat)

Day 1 of our front squat/back squat cycle. Each set you will perform 7 front squats, rack the bar, take a couple breaths, and unrack the bar and knock out 13 reps of back squat.


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 Rounds

1:00 Max DB Bench

:30 Rest

1:00 Max Strict Pullups

:30 Rest

1:00 Max Weighted Situps

:30 Rest
Record total reps for each station

Repeat from 9/7. Find a way to build on last time.

Categories: WOD

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