CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
:30 Lat Stretch
10 Cat/Cow
10 PVC Pass Throughs
2 Rounds
8 Snatch Grip DL
6 Hang High Pull
4 Hang Power Snatch
2 Power Snatch (Mid Shin)
Metcon (Weight)
5 Sets
3 Postion Power Snatch (Building)
Record heaviest weight
**Refer to 11/10/20**
3 Positions
1) From Floor
2) Knee
3) Mid Thigh
Although not part of the complex, for those who are capaple, finish your sets with an OHS.
Metcon (Time)
For Time
12/8 Chest to Bar
18 Wallballs 20/14lb
10/6 Cal Bike
Rest 2:00
10/6 Chest to Bar
15 Wallballs 20/14lb
10/6 Cal Bike
Rest 1:30
8/4 Chest to Bar
12 Wallballs 20/14lb
10/6 Cal Bike
Rest 1:00
6/2 Chest to Bar
9 Wallballs 20/14lb
10/6 Cal Bike
Record total total
If you havent already guessed, all three wods this week (Mon-Wed), will be repeats.
Refer to 11/10/2020
Nowhere to hide on this one. You must put the pedal down on the bike…..and as always wall balls will stay unbroken. Good luck!