25 July 2020

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

:30 Calf Stretch

:30 Squat Hold

:30 Kneeling Wall Lat Stretch

2 Rounds

100m Run

8 Goblet Squat (DB)

6 Single Arm DB Push Press


Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

Every 4:00 x 5 Rounds

200m Run

6 Front Squat

6 Push Jerk

30 Double Unders
Record time completed for each round

Feel free to build weight through this. But dont start off too light.

At Home Workout

Metcon (Time)

No Equipment

For Time:

20 Up Downs

20 Lying Knees-to-Elbow

20 Shoulder Touches in Handstand*

40 Lying Toes-to-Bar

20 Up Downs

60 Alternating Single Leg V-ups

20 Shoulder Touches in Handstand*

80 Sit-ups

*Modify to 40 shoulder taps in a rigid plank if necessary.

— 20:00 Time Cap

Minimal Equipment

For Time:

20 Up Downs

20 Lying Knees-to-Elbow

20 Shoulder Touches in Handstand*

40 Lying Toes to DB

20 Up Downs

60 Alternating Single Leg V-ups

20 Shoulder Touches in Handstand*

80 Sit-ups

*Modify to 40 shoulder taps in a rigid plank if necessary.

— 20:00 Time Cap
Warm Up:


20 Jumping Jacks

10 Spiderman Stretch (each leg)

20 Jumping Lunges

10 Sit-ups

20 High Knees in place

10 Shoulder Touches (From plank or try elevating your feet to increase difficulty)

Categories: WOD

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