25 March 2022

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 Round

Calf Stretch x :30- 60/side

Adductor Stretch x :30-:60/side

90/90 Rotations x 10

Lateral Lunge x 10/side

Every 2:30 x 3 Rounds

Banded Hamstring Curl x 15

Front Squat x 5 (Pause)


Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

On a Running Clock….

Min 0:00-6:00

Row x 600/500m

Front Squat x 20

Min 6:00-12:00

Row x 300/250m

Front Squat x 10

Bike x 11/7

Front Squat x 10

Min 12:00-18:00

Row x 150/100m

Front Squat x 5

Bike x 6/5

Front Squat x 5

Row x 150/100m

Front Squat x 5

Bike x 6/5

Front Squat x 5
Record time of completion of each piece

A really good test today to finish out the week. Barbell weight should resemble something you could do a heavy thruster with.

Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

3 Sets NFT

-Single Leg Alternating V-ups x 12/side

-Plate Carry x :45-1:00
Record time for each round of plate hold

(weight in notes)

Accessory circuit to finish class today. You get what you put into these drills!!

Categories: WOD

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