CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 x :60 Hamstring Stretch/Side
2 Rounds
10/8 Cal Row
6 Inchworms
:30 Plank
Deadlift (4 x 5 Building)
Record heaviest set
Superset w/
Wall Ball Deadbugs x 6/Side
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Rounds
1:30 Work / 1:30 Rest
20/16 Cal Row
Max Push-ups (Time Remaining)
Record total pushups
This is a repeat workout. Refer to 5/13. Everyone needs to strive to be their total from last time.
**** Memorial Day Murph****
Stay on the lookout for email regarding schedule for Monday. We will be running two heats at 9am and 10am. Hope everyone can make it out!