05 October 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

Lat Stretch x :30/Side

Wall Tricep Stretch x :30/Side

Pigeon Stretch x:30/Side


3 Rounds

Barbell Complex (Building)

Deadlift/RDL x 5

Hang High Pull x 3

Hang Power Clean x 5


Hang Power Clean (1 x 3)

Record heaviest weight

Just looking for everyone to build to a heavy 3-Rep. Been a little while since we hit this, take your time, warm up, and see what you can get.


Metcon (Time)

8 Rounds

3 Deadlift

4/3 Handstand Pushup

25 Double Unders
Record total time

Heavier deadlifts today paired with hspu and double unders. Rounds should be short, everyone should be keeping each round under 2:00.

Categories: WOD

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