CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
Row x :45
Inchworm x 6 (w/:05 hamstring stretch hold)
90/90 Rotations x 10
2 Rounds
Barbell RDL x 6
Barbell Bent Over Row x 6
Barbell Strict Press x 6
Use the 3-Position Power Clean on your first couple warm-up sets
-High Hang Power Clean
-Above Knee Power Clean
-Mid Shin Power Clean
Power Clean (4 x 3 @85%)
Record weight used
All lifts should be performed as singles.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Rounds
1:30 Work/:30 Rest
14/11 Cal Row
Max Pushups (Time Remaining)
Record total pushups
We have hit a piece like this before (I will have the dates up shortly). Please focus on QUALITY over quantity for this piece, and maintain your standards.