08 February 2022

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 x

Row x 1:00

Lat/Tricep Stretch x :30-1:00/side

Hip Circles x 5/Side

2 x

Pushup -> Pike x 6-8

Ring Row x 10

Plank x :30


Push Press (8, 6, 4, 2)

Record weight used


Refer back to 2/2 and 1/25, this shoukd be another small increase of weight on your barbell.

Remember, once you are at your weight and begin your sets, try to keep rest minimal between sets (:60-:90)


Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

EMOM 24 (4 Rounds)

Min 1) Row x Max Cal

Min 2) Rest

Min 3) Pushups x Max Reps

Min 4) Rest

Min 5) Walking Lunges x 20 (10/Leg)

Min 6) Rest
Round 1 = Total Row Cals

Round 2 = Total Push-ups

(Post Lunge weight in notes)

Categories: WOD

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