18 May 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

10 Cat/Cow

:30 Couch Stretch

10 Glute Bridges
Complete glute bridges with whatever set up you plan on using for hip thrust today (back on the floor or back against pads)


Hip Thrust (4 x 15)

Focus on feeling your GLUTES work to extend your hips. Hold a pause in the top position for each rep.
Record weight used

Big sets for the glutes today. Make sure that’s where you are feeling each set.

Superset w/

Single KB Suitcase March x :30-:45/Side


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

AMRAP 3 to get as far as possible)




Wall Balls


Double Unders

Rest 1min.

AMRAP 5 to get as far as possible…

(Same workout. Start back at the beginning)

Rest 2min.

AMRAP 7 to get as far as possible…

(Same workout. Start back at the beginning)
Record total reps in EACH AMRAP

Categories: WOD

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