19 June 2021

CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)






2 Rounds

:30 Bike

3-5 Strict Pullups/Ring Rows

6 Barbell RDL

5 Hang Power Clean

4 Strict Press/Push Press


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

Team of 2

3 Rounds

:90 Max Cal Bike

:30 Rest

:90 Max Power Clean and Jerk

:30 Rest

:90 Max Pullups

:30 Rest

:90 Max Lateral Burpees

:30 Rest

:90 Max 50m Sprint Relay

Rest 1:00
Record total for each round

(Sum of bike, C+J, pullups, burpees, and sprints)

Accumulate as many cals/reps as possible. Only one person may work at a time

Categories: WOD

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