CrossFit North Reston – CrossFit
Hotshots 19 (Time)
6 Rounds for time of:
30 Squats
19 Power Cleans, 135# / 95#
7 Strict Pull-ups
400m Run
This Hero WOD is long and high volume. Reduce the reps and load to keep this workout under 40 minutes.
Intermediate Option
6 rounds for time of:
30 squats
19 power cleans
7 kipping or banded pull-ups
Run 400 meters
Men: 115-lb. clean
Women: 75-lb. clean
Beginner Option
4 rounds for time of:
15 squats
10 power cleans
5 ring rows
Run 400 meters
Men: 75-lb. clean
Women: 55-lb. clean